ReliableSpigot PvP Config

Non-World Settings


The durability displayed when armor is hovered over is completely client-side, so it will not show the updated durability, but it will indeed take on that new durability anyways.
Field Default
leather-helmet-durability 55
leather-chestplate-durability 80
leather-leggings-durability 75
leather-boots-durability 65
chain-helmet-durability 165
chain-chestplate-durability 240
chain-leggings-durability 225
chain-boots-durability 195
iron-helmet-durability 165
iron-chestplate-durability 240
iron-leggings-durability 225
iron-boots-durability 195
gold-helmet-durability 77
gold-chestplate-durability 112
gold-leggings-durability 105
gold-boots-durability 91
diamond-helmet-durability 363
diamond-chestplate-durability 528
diamond-leggings-durability 495
diamond-boots-durability 429

World Settings

PvP Settings

Field Default Meaning
max-hits-per-second 2 The maximum amount of hits that can be registered per second
max-hits-per-second-gapple 2 The maximum amount of hits that can be registered per second under the gapple effect
max-hits-per-second-god-gapple 2 The maximum amount of hits that can be registered per second under notch gapple effect
w-tap-knockback-addition 1.0 Amount of additional horizontal knockback occurs after sprinting for first time
knockback-1-addition 1.0 How much knockback is added by Knockback I enchantment
knockback-2-addition 2.0 How much knockback is added by Knockback II enchantment
punch-1-addition 1 How much knockback is added by Punch I enchantment
punch-2-addition 2 How much knockback is added by Punch II enchantment
friction 2.0 How fast the player slows down after being knocked back
vertical 0.35 Vertical knockback multiplier
vertical-max 0.4 The maximum strength of vertical knockback
vertical-extra 0.085 Vertical knockback to add after multiplier
horizontal 0.35 Horizontal knockback multiplier
horizontal-extra 0.425 Horizontal knockback to add after multiplier
max-combo-height 256 The maximum height above the ground the player must be hit in order for the combo-vertical knockback to activate
min-combo-height 0 The height the player must fall down to after max-combo-height is reached before combo-vertical is replaced by just vertical
combo-vertical 0.35 The subsequent vertical knockback a player takes after being comboed (as detected by the above 2 options)
unbreakable-armor false Toggle whether armor takes durability damage
unbreakable-armor false Toggle if armor should take durability damage
sword-armor-damage 2 The amount of damage a sword does to an armor's durability
axe-armor-damage 3 The amount of damage an axe does to an armor's durability
enderpearl.damage 5.0 The amount of half-hearts of damage an enderpearl does
enderpearl.through-web false Toggle whether players can enderpearl through webs
enderpearl.through-fence-gate false Toggle whether players can enderpearl through fence gates
enderpearl.through-string false Toggle whether players can enderpearl through strings
enderpearl.taliban-pearl-enabled false Toggle whether Taliban pearls are enabled (hard to explain, just look it up)
enderpearl.taliban-pearl-max-distance 5 Maximum amount of blocks Taliban pearl teleports the player through
bow Contains friction, vertical, vertical-max and horizontal for bows
snowball Contains friction, vertical, vertical-max and horizontal for snowballs
fishing-rod Contains friction, vertical, vertical-max and horizontal for fishing rod hooks